Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Star Wars Musings

I'm reading the book, "Cestus Deception." It's a Clone Wars novel. This book has helped me to regain the mindset of a warrior. Here are a few thoughts to think about from the book. These quotes come directly from "The Cestus Deception."

"... a soldier in the field didn't care about how he looked. What mattered was performance under fire."

"Risk was always a factor. Fear was a soldier's constant companion. No dishonor in that: what a man felt mattered not at all. What he did meant everything."

"The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in combat." In my words..., if you can take it, you can make it!

"... always aware that the slightest imperfection might negatively affect performance, endangering a mission or a brother's life."

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