Saturday, June 13, 2009

Monday, June 1, 2009

Testing #3

Ok. This is my third test. I have closed my blogger dashboard. Let's see if this works!

Testing #2

This is test 2. Apparently, it's working for me., but all I write goes in the subject field. Wonder why?

I don’t know if you all know. But I bought a Acer Aspire One Netbook. It is sweet; and it’s truly a mobile piece of technology.A few of my friends recommended it to me.

Another Test

I was trying to see if this publishing thing from Word 2007 was gonna work for me. Apparently not. I'll just keep trying.

Anyway, My Rusty came home today. He had been gone since Thursday. One of my coworkers and his family was gracious enough to take him to their house. Though his vacationing came at a very great point in my life—cuz perilous times were truly on the rise in many areas—I truly missed him. And my sister missed him too. I am glad that he is back where he belongs.

He was very happy to get back to his life. Though it doesn't seem like he likes working in this heat--cuz he's always threatening to sit down--I know that being with this family is where Mr. Rusty da Bear belongs! Welcome home, Rusty!