critical. The Lord has convicted me that I want everyone to live up to
my standards. And if they don't, I want to cut them off. Not cool.
Judgmental--tending to judge or criticize the conduct of other people.
Critical; condemnatory; negative; disapproving; disparaging;
Hypercritical--excessively critical; captious. Marked by a tendency to
find and call attention to errors and flaws.
I have to allow God to be God and other people--my husband, my
coworkers,... anybody--be themselves. They don't feel, think and
believe like me. And they don't necessarily have to. I'm not talking
about that tolerance stuff where folks are afraid to call a spade a
spade or a sin a sin. I'm talking about knowing what God says and
committing that thing to prayer, instead of me always confronting it.
Is that wrong? Is that a crime? No. I may be right, but I'm not God.
Doesn't God have the power to change people? Didn't He change me?
Isn't He the one who is still changing me; convicting me? Yes. Well
then. Why do I stand in God's way? Just some of my thoughts...
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