Thursday, May 24, 2007

On My Way to Detroit!!

Wonder where I've been since my last post? Well the subject says it all. Today, I'm on my way to Detroit!!!! I'm soooooo excited!!!!!

Ac 27:25 Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me.

I'm going this morning on stand-by. Now, here's a miracle that is unfolding. My flight isn't until tonight at 6:05. However, I plan on getting on the 9:10 AM flight. Yes, it's sold out. However, I will have a seat on that plane. Someone might have an emergency.... anything. But, Sharonda B. Greenlaw will be on that plane. I'll be sure to write about this miracle when I get to a computer.

I'm looking forward to seeing my father and all my friends. I didn't really have a place to stay. My daddy called this morning and told me that he has prepared a room for me in his house. I've got two other friends who I have room in their house too while I'm there. God, my Father, has already prepared the way for me.

I'll be in Detroit until Tuesday morning. Rusty is with my Mommy C.G. and her family. Yes, I miss his little feet running across the home. I miss his chain jingling when he walks. I miss taking him out for his park times. But it's all a happy miss. I know that he's being well taken care of.

I'll miss my husband--whose birthday was yesterday. Go Chris!! God is really doing a work in his life. He is continually changing for the better. It's an absolute pleasure being around him--well... most of the time. *lololol* No. For real. He's a good guy.

I'll miss my mommy--riding to and from work with her; Going over her house; and all that jazz. I'll miss my sister too. Laughing and such with her crazy self.

I'll miss my co-workers. We're such a family there. We all have our little "issues," but we are a family. I reall love that too. It is something very special.

But it will all be a happy miss. It will give me great reason to come home to Arizona. I'll enjoy myself in Detroit. And I'll be happy to come home to Arizona.

Boy last year, when I first got here, I never thought I'd be loving Arizona and calling it home. My God! Things have changed!!!

I'll keep yall updated, in my usual late fashion, of my happenings in Detroit.

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