Saturday, December 13, 2008

Fwd: Another Victory!!

Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2008 21:38:36 -0700
Subject: Another Victory!!
Journal 12/12/08

Well, I wrote to report victory tonight. I want the whole world to
know that we have successfully moved into our apartment.! And, to me,
the most important thing is, I took the bus to and from work today and

I am so excited about this. Being born blind, you learn these basic
skills in middle school. But because I lived in Michigan and was
exposed to the ubus in the early days of my life during those
amazingly cold winters, I wanted nothing to do with bus riding. I
wanted nothing to do with orientation and mobility period.

But relationships are awesome. They can truly motivate you to go
higher and reach farther in your life. My two friens--and yes they are
really friends--J.L. And R.F. Have encouraged me to go farther than I
ever thought of going in my mO&M skills. These are two women who are
visually empaired, but they go everywher. And I mean EVERYWHERE! They
are really amazing.

I just wanted to report these things this evening and thank all those
who read my blog. No, I'm not an ongoing blogger. But I hope that the
things I list will be both inspiring and encouraging to all who read!
Thanks for stepping into my world with me and hanging out for a while.
Please keep the comments coming, as they inspire me greatly!!!


Monday, December 8, 2008

My Comback: Independence is on the Way

Today, as we prepare to move (God is a God of reconciliation!) I spent
time doing something that I should have done when we lived in
Scottsdale from 2006-2008. I should have been doing this when we lived
in our house in Detroit from 2003-2006. It should have happened when I
lived by myself on E. Alexandrine from 1998-2003. But in all these
places, I was unable to make this happen. In fact, it hadn't happened
since 1992, but tragedy struck and shut me down.
Yes, back then in 1992, I was cooking!!! It was nothing to find me
frying chicken, french fries, doing shake 'n bake chicken; Hamburger
and Helper and such like. But stuff happened that shut me down and had
me depressed for a while. Yes, I was so shut down that I have never
risen to my previous glory. Oh es, I have cooked from time to time.
Yes, I even had my own bakery business for a while and prospered. But
never have I been willing to cook on a continuous bases, not even for
my current husband. So all that has been kept from those days was
fragrant memories by my family who have tasted and seen that my food
was good.
So today, I spent labeling my spices. I felt so invigorated... Just
the thought of getting in their and doing this right! Soon, I'll be
writing and telling yall about the meals that I made.
Thanks for reading and sharing in my excitement!!!

Come, read and take a journey with me at